Each commissioner, except the resident commissioner, is appointed to serve a five year term or to complete the term of the commissioner they have replaced. Their terms are staggered. A commissioner can be re-appointed for as many terms as the Mayor may desire. Our resident commissioner is also appointed by the Mayor of the City of Salem, NJ., and that person is appointed to serve for a one year term. If the resident commissioner should lose their housing assistance from the Housing Authority, they would then be replaced. The commissioners responsibilities include the hiring of the Executive Director, to set policy, and to review the operations of the authority.
Board of Commissioners Regular Board Meeting is held on the third Thursday of each month in the Community Room at Broadway Tower. The meetings are open to the public and begin at 6:00 PM. Commencing April 27, 2023, the Board of Commissioner Regular Board Meeting will be a hybrid meeting.
Akmad Nichols - Acting Chair
Kiersten Westley Henson - Commissioner
Joyce Lewis - Commissioner
Dawn Johnson - Commissioner
Destiny Wood - Commissioner
Commissioners and participants are able to attend the meeting via Zoom:
The Housing Authority of the City of Salem September 19, 2024 Board Meeting via Zoom and in-person:
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Topic: Housing Authority of the City of Salem Board of Commissioners Meeting
Time: October 17, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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